The recent years have been a time of change for many people as they have for our congregation. As we emerge from the pandemic, we would like to get a sense of where you are, now. Your answers to the questions below will help us better understand the shape of our community today and help us plan for the future.
1. In what ways did you connect with our community since Sept. 2022? (check all that apply)
Please select all that apply.
Attended Sunday services in-person
Watched Sunday services live online during the service
Watched service online after the service.
Subscribed to or followed UUC South Jersey Shore online (YouTube, Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, etc.)
Attended a special event at the UU Center (e.g. holiday service, music service, film viewing)
Attended a special event at the home of other members (auction event, circle dinner)
Discussed UUC South Jersey Shore with friends/neighbors and shared my experiences.
Invited a friend/neighbor to attend a UUC South Jersey Shore program with me.
Participated in an online small group (Book club, Soul Matters, Buddhist Sangha, Common Read Discussion)
Participated in an in-person small group (Margaret’s Circle, Men’s Group, Everyday Spirituality, Soul Matters, Buddhist Sangha, Common Read Discussion).
Received social or emotional support by reaching out to caring team, or specific members of the UUC South Jersey Shore.
Received practical support (meals delivered, rides, help with a health issue, referrals to community resources).
Brought a child or young person to participate in an in-person program for youth.
Made use of the online resources (Learning Lab) or Soulful Home packets for faith formation at home.
Enrolled my children in a religious education program for children and youth.
Made a one time or occasional financial contribution(s) (i.e. a gift during the offertory, an online donation, gift to a special fund or project).
Made several financial contributions (i.e. at various times during the year, for the same, or different causes).
Made a regular financial contribution (i.e. made regular donations at Sunday service, made a scheduled recurring gift through bank or online donations)
Volunteered my time on a UUC South Jersey Shore committee, served as worship associate, greeter, in the choir, helped with road clean-up, coffee hour, or with other tasks for the congregation.
Volunteered my time to another organization serving the wider local community (ESWA, Allies in Caring, South Jersey Humanists, etc).
Served on the Board of Trustees or as Chair of a Committee.
Been involved in activities, workshops, or programs with UUA, CER, UU Faith Action, Philly Cluster, Murray Grove Retreat Center or other UU entities.
* Plan to attend services (online or in-person) regularly
* Pledge my financial support to the congregation on a regular schedule
* Maintain regular connections through participation in groups, volunteering for special events, or serving on a committee
* Receive community support through life changes
* Vote for leaders at the annual Congregational Meeting
* May attend services (whether online or in-person) on special Sundays or holidays
* Participate in special events and groups as fits my schedule and interest
* Keep up with congregational news
* Provide support with a financial gift in any amount
* Encourage and support the work of UUC South Jersey Shore in thought or action.
* Talk about my experiences at UUC South Jersey Shore with family, friends, and others.
* Follow UUCSJS online or receive and read the Midweek Messages.
* Keep up as far as I can with the happenings of the congregation.
Not Interested or No Longer Interested
Check this box if you no longer wish to stay connected to our community and would like to be
removed from the UUC South Jersey Shore database and e-mail list.